Law and Order Svu Season 20 Episode 9 Review

Police force & Society SVU "Mea Culpa," (or as I phone call it: "Peter Stone - A Series of Unfortunate Events") directed by Mariska Hargitay, is ane of those episodes that is sure to give fans enough to talk nigh. The episode centered on Stone and a woman that surfaced from his by who accused him of rape. It was a given that he wouldn't exist guilty of such a heinous act, so there was no suspense at that place. Merely this meant the drama had to be manufactured elsewhere.

It just so happens that Rock and the SVU are in the middle of a "he said/she said" example, and Rock rapidly finds himself in the aforementioned predicament. A baseball fan from Chicago, who saw Stone play baseball there, just so happens to spot Stone outside the courthouse and they decide to go for drinks. While there, it simply so happens that Rock is approached by notwithstanding another woman who slaps him and accuses him of rape during the fourth dimension he was playing baseball. This is quite a serial of coincidences that have lined up to create bug for Rock.

At some point, Stone drinks besides much and winds upward in Fin'southward flat and sleeping on the sofa. Rock explains to Fin the accusation of rape and strongly denies doing this. (Side notation: Ice-T doesn't drink coffee only at least Fin patently has a coffee maker in his flat.)  Rather than permit sleeping dogs lie, Rock wants Fin to help him get to the truth. Tracking down a fellow baseball histrion, Reggie, they find the name of the adult female who accused Stone of rape, but Fin hits a wall with Sarah, the accuser. Stone continues to work the original case with Benson. She gives him the "what adult female wouldn't want to go through the trauma of a rape investigation, a trial, just for kicks" speech. Equally a result, he afterward confides in her, thus bringing fifty-fifty more bug on himself when he asks her to open an investigation. I find myself yelling "FOOL!" out loud. This is the crux of my problem with this episode. I understand Stone wanting to know the truth but information technology is obvious that Sarah did not desire to dredge upward the past to the signal of an investigation. Peradventure her slapping Rock in the bar was enough closure for her?   I can understand Stone wanting to become at the truth to clear his own censor and his name, but I am not sure that he and Benson thought this fully through, every bit their actions had consequences.

We also hear a few times virtually what is SVU's job: Stone tells Benson it is her job to believe the victim, and later, Carisi tells Rollins that it is their chore to believe survivors. It sounds to me that the writers of this episode are speaking to the viewers here, trying to emphasize how this fictional SVU works. In my opinion, I always saw the SVU as


for victims, merely in the earlier years of SVU, they unremarkably looked at each case with an objective lens. I don't call back this happens anymore; in fact, Carisi seems guilty about believing Stone. This is one of those cases where peradventure Benson should take looked at this instance with an open mind,  and suggest that as Sarah didn't want to pursue the upshot that Stone should let it get. There is believing the victim, but there also needs to be a highly apparent story or evidence. Clearly neither Stone nor Sarah tin recollect everything that happened that night, and in those cases, whom does one believe when in that location is no evidence and completely contrary stories? Would Peter Stone even take a rape case like this if it didn't involve himself?  If the victim, who is of the historic period of consent, says to drop the matter, should this stop SVU from investigating farther?

When Benson decides to investigate the thing with Sarah  (why it couldn't be Carisi doing the questioning I don't know),  Sarah's husband Gary just and then happens to come habitation unexpectedly. Benson can't think fast enough for a comprehend story for Sarah, and so Sarah is basically forced to spill the beans to Gary. He decides to printing charges. Can someone with real life legal feel explain to me how a person can press charges, on behalf of another, for a crime committed confronting some other person? Sarah probably went along with it to go on the peace with her married man but ultimately isn't it her determination? This whole mess would not have happened had Benson either decided to come across with Sarah in a neutral spot or come up upwards quickly with a comprehend story when her married man entered so Sarah had some fourth dimension to decide whether to tell him or not.

But look, there'southward more! The situation gets uglier when Gary confronts Rock in a bar and holds him hostage at gunpoint.  (Here is the drama they had to manufacture.)   Benson arrives on the scene. Why would SVU be called for a hostage situation and how did she get there then quickly? She notices Sarah and their daughter are continuing nearby – wow, these people institute out what was happening and can motion around the urban center with lightning speed – and Benson announces to the borough commander that this is her example and she takes over. Benson facilitates Gary letting Rock go, she'due south the hero!

Subsequently, Benson wonders if Sarah and Gary'due south daughter may non exist Gary's, as the timing is right and Stone wasn't the only one there that fateful dark. She tricks Reggie into like-minded to prevarication for Rock. She uses his willingness for perjury and a potential DNA test on Sarah's girl to put a squeeze Reggie and get him to implicate himself. She arrests him and Benson is the hero AGAIN! (Note: the daughter WAS Gary's.)    Did Benson go at it alone with Reggie?  No i else seemed to be there to back her up during her questioning and  his arrest.  That is risky on many levels.  He could flee or he could have denied albeit annihilation to her.   Seeing that she works with Stone, Reggie could accept claimed she ready him up and or lied about his access as she has a conflict of involvement.

If anything, this experience may brand Stone even more reluctant to have on a "he said/she said" instance, and maybe even End DRINKING.

When we weren't seeing Benson save the day, we also discover that Al has asked Rollins to move in with him (not marry him) and she's thinking about it. Carisi touches Rollin'due south pregnant abdomen -  yep I know they are friends - and this could be considered inappropriate behavior for the workplace. And yes, we did come across  the inside of Fin'southward flat but it's not the get-go or but time as some accept reported or unsaid.

By the way, this was Peter Scanavino's 100th episode every bit Sonny Carisi, and his 101st with the series. (He appeared as another graphic symbol in "Monster's Legacy" in 2013.)  It would be wonderful to give this talented homo a more than substantial story line.  I've liked his grapheme from 24-hour interval one and wish that they'd work harder  to showcase Peter.

Hither is the recap:

Stone is at a bond hearing, and gets remand for the defendant. Afterwards, he and Carisi speak with the victim, Alicia, and after she leaves, Carisi is surprised that Stone got a remand on a "he said/she said." Carisi suggests they get a beer just Rock passes, saying he is trying to deadening information technology down. After they part means, Stone heads to a food cart and is recognized past a woman who knows he pitched for the Cubs. She is excited, saying her dad took her to every game. She has to telephone call her dad, then suggests they go for a drink. He agrees, and easily the hot domestic dog back to the vendor, telling her he knows a identify around the corner.

Meanwhile, Rollins is in an expensive, fancy eatery with Dr. Al Pollack. She comments on the truffle sauce and they talk almost nutrient they ate in Georgia. They talk about the selections on the dessert menu and he calls over the waiter and asks for one of every dessert on the menu and coffee ("decaf for the lady"). She says a daughter can get used to this. He comments he has something to ask her, adding "a commitment I have never fabricated before." He places what looks similar a ring box on the tabular array and Rollins looks pleasantly surprised, and says when she said he was happy…he asks her to hear him out. She opens the box and sees a key, and he asks her to move in with him. She smiles.

Rock and the woman are in the bar and he gets upwards to get another drink. While he is at the bar, a blonde woman walks upwardly to him, stunned, and asks what he is doing in New York. She comments that he doesn't think him, and when he says he doesn't, she slaps him. She said, "You raped me, you son of a bitch." Stone is stunned.

The next morning, Rock wakes up, looking blurry-eyed at Fin, who is reaching out to him with a cup of coffee and saying skilful morning. Stone had been sleeping on the couch in Fin's flat. Stone thanks him for the coffee and comments Fin has a squeamish place. Fin asks if he even remembers how he got at that place. Stone replies barely, he must have been in bad shape. Fin tells Stone he was messed up, and asks what happened last night. Stone asks what did he say, and Fin says that Rock said he was defendant of rape. Stone explains he ran into a woman that he didn't recognize at first. She looked at him like she'd seen a ghost, and so she striking him and accused him of assaulting her. Fin asks, "Did you?" and Stone testily replies no. He adds that twelve years ago, there was a late flavour game against the Mets. A few of the guys decided to become to the bar later on. There was this adult female in that location – the 1 that slapped him – he was drunkard, they all were. A few of them decided to go back to his hotel room and things got a petty crazy. He remembers he and she were going at it hot and heavy and he woke upwardly, in his bed, alone. Everyone was gone. He called her the next solar day and she said, "Try to talk to me once more and I'm going to the police force." Fin asks if she did, and Stone explains he was never contacted. Fin confirms that Stone is telling him that he was drinking and he was interim crazy, request if Rock is sure that this is all that happened and he's not lying to him? Fin emphatically adds "Don't lie to me man, tell me the truth." Stone insists he is telling the truth, he is not lying to him. He might non remember everything, but he knows he didn't rape anyone. He says he needs to talk to her and find out what is going on.

At the SVU, Benson speaks with Alicia about her statements, who notwithstanding can't remember much about that night. They know from her claret alcohol content she was not able to give consent. Bensons says if she recalls anything more to give them a telephone call. After she leaves, Benson tells Rollins to accept TARU become over whatever security footage from her apartment that shows she was incapacitated.

At the Drag Bunt Bar on Friday, November 9, Rock arrives with Fin and meets with a friend, Reggie Gregg. Fin introduces himself. Stone asks if Reggie remembers August 2006, saying he had a no-hitter going until Reggie stepped up to the plate. Fin explains they are trying to locate a blonde adult female, named Sarah, who came to the bar subsequently. There was some other woman with her with large brown optics and they went back to the hotel room. Reggie says he remembers everything. Reggie shows him a photograph of the woman with the big brown eyes, Wanda, and says he married her and they have two kids. Fin asks if she is still in contact with Sarah.

Later, Fin shows Stone a photo of Sarah Kent who lives in Bushwick, and Stone is sure that is her. Fin asks Rock if he is sure he wants him to talk to her, and Stone is; whatsoever she thinks she did, she is wrong. He asks Fin non to tell Benson…notwithstanding.

At the Kent residence in Bushwick, Brooklyn on Friday, Nov 9, Fin speaks with Sarah and when he asks if she knows Peter Stone, she looks concerned. A man calls out and asks who is it, and she says information technology is a Jehovah'southward Witness. She steps outside and says she knows Stone and doesn't ever want to hear that name once again. She goes inside and shuts the door. Fin looks into a window and sees Sarah sit downwardly in the kitchen with her married man and child.

Back at SVU in the suspension room, Carisi comments he is going to the deli only sees Rollins eating leftover steak. She comments Al over-orders. She says he asked her to movement in with him. Carisi comments he hopes she told him no, and she said she will think most it. Carisi asks that she trusts him now, after he lied to her? She doesn't know what she wants, but she doesn't want her and this new baby, and Jesse and Frannie all crammed into her tiny apartment. Carisi asks if he is going to marry her and Rollins says no, if she wanted the "why purchase the cow" voice communication she would call her mother. Carisi says she deserves to be happy and taken care of, and Rollins argues that people tin can modify. He says he volition believe it when he sees it, and adds he is going to go her some ginger ale as that steak will give her indigestion.

At the courthouse with Benson and Stone, Alicia asks when does she testify, and Stone explains presently, and she will be great. Benson states they have a room where she can expect in, and Carmen leads her there. Benson asks Stone if he prepped her testimony, and he replies "Backwards and forwards." Benson wonders if she will do alright on the stand, and Rock hopes so; at that place is a lot she doesn't think and the defence force will go after her hard. Benson asks what about a plea, and he explains they already tried to go the instance dismissed, alleging the defendant was too drunk to consent. Benson comments, "And she raped him. Then what, she's making this all up? Because what woman wouldn't want to go through the trauma of a rape investigation, a trial, just for kicks." They glare at each other and Benson says, "He's guilty, Peter." He looks at her uncomfortably and Benson asks if he is okay. He pauses and says yep, he is fine, simply problem sleeping.

At Supreme Court Role 33 on Tuesday, Nov 13, Alicia testifies near her set on. She does non recall the set on itself, and the defendant, Roger Madden, pipes up and is admonished by the judge. She says she would have never consented to sexual practice. The defense cross examines and paints Alicia in a bad calorie-free, and questions that she may not remember that she consented. She gets upset says she is hither considering if she tin can face up the man who raped her, and if she can become justice, she can get her life back. Rock looks reflective.

Later on, Stone shows upwards at Benson'south apartment and he explains he has been defendant of sexual assail. Benson looks shocked, and he explains it was 12 years agone, he was drunk. He knows in his bones, middle, and soul that he did not rape this woman. Benson comments the woman said he did, asking why. He doesn't know, but no affair how drunkard he was, that is not who he is. He swears to god he did non practise this. He asks if she believes him, and he says she does, but information technology is not that simple. He comments it is because information technology is her job to believe her, and she replies it is her chore to hear her side of the story, to find out the truth. If he wants someone to make this go away, he came to the wrong person. He insists he is not asking her to brand this become abroad, he wants the truth too. He is not asking for absolution, he is asking her to open up an investigation. Benson nods.

Dorsum in the SVU suspension room, Fin comments to Rollins and Carisi that the manner things are now, they are at present looking through their past with a whole new prism. Carisi defends Stone and Fin comments they were all young and stupid. Rollins thinks age has nothing to practise with it. The all argue whether Stone did it, Carisi saying no risk. Rollins thinks this sucks, and Carisi says a busload of nuns could say Stone was in Albuquerque at the fourth dimension of the rape and however in the dorsum of his mind he would wonder, did he, maxim that is what sucks. Fin says, "And we know it."

Meanwhile, Benson approaches Sarah outside her abode, and when Sarah balks, Benson says a crime has been reported and she has to investigate information technology. She explains Stone asked her to investigate. Sarah asks that this isn't going away, and Benson nods. Sarah invites Benson inside. She explains what happened that night, and she explains she doesn't remember and asks Benson to drop information technology. Sarah's husband, Gary, comes home unexpectedly and Sarah explains it is near her and she is not going to press charges. Benson explains Sarah may have been sexually assaulted. Gary asks if she knows who did it, and he says they will do whatever it takes to put the son of a bitch in jail forever.

At SVU, Carisi is in the locker room when Rollins enters and says Benson is bringing in Sarah Kent. Carisi looks upset and says that information technology is their job to believe survivors and get-go from there simply on this one, he believes Stone. Rollins says he is allowed to feel that way, merely he doesn't recollect he is. She comments that he may exist right about moving in with Al, it is not her style, mentioning his Japanese toilet. He tells her not to listen to her, practice what is right for her and her children, touching her pregnant belly, adding the Japanese toilets are pretty spectacular. They encounter Benson leading in Sarah and Gary.

Inside, Sarah explains to Benson and Rollins that her married man was on a trip when information technology happened. She says she and Rock were having fun and flirting and decided to become to his hotel. She recalls kissing him merely then says he became unlike, he was not as nice. One of the guys – she does not retrieve who – was on the bed and thinks she passed out. She woke up naked and knows she had sex and Stone was on the bed and she did not say yes. She insists she did not desire to take sex activity and would never do that to Gary. She and her husband are happy now.

Meanwhile, Carisi and Gary talk and Gary laments that Sarah never told her. He says he was golfing at the fourth dimension and he can never forgive himself. Gary says she would never cheat on him.

At Stone's part in the hall, Fin asks Benson if she is okay and when she says nix, he asks if she wants him to do it. She asks, "Like it's any easier for you?" They enter Stone's role and Benson tells Stone that Sarah said he raped her and the husband wants to press charges. Benson says her story is credible, and he asks what most his story; he knows he didn't rape anybody. Benson says there were 2 people in that room and she wasn't there. Stone comments that Benson said she believed him, and Fin gives a look to Benson. She replies that she as well believes her and if he was anyone else they wouldn't be having this conversation. Rock testily says, "And so that'south it. You just gonna arrest me now?" Benson looks to Fin so tells Stone she has to. Fin asks if he wants to call a lawyer, and Stone glares and says he is a lawyer. Benson asks how he wants to practice this, and Stone gets up, grabs his jacket, and storms past them and leaves his office. They follow.

At SVU, Carisi tells Benson that Stone has been released ROR. She's heard. Carisi asks if Sarah will bear witness and Benson says if she wants to stay married she is. Benson says she hates every minute of this too merely they don't become to choice and cull who they investigate. Carisi comments that Stone denies this and they owe him the benefit of the doubtfulness, and Benson counters what do they owe Sarah? What Sarah describes was assault – not reporting, guilt, her marriage falling apart. Carisi questions she said her matrimony was falling autonomously, and when Benson said Sarah said they were going through a rough patch, Carisi says the hubby told him they were madly in dearest. Benson begins to wonder.

Meanwhile, Stone is in a bar and finds himself sitting adjacent to Gary, who introduces himself. Stone says he didn't know she was married and says he didn't do anything to his wife. Gary is getting agitated, maxim Rock was a brawl histrion and that's what they practise. Rock tries to excuse himself and Gary says the least he can go is have a drink with him. Stone agrees, and Gary talks almost how he and Sarah met. Rock does not wait comfy equally Gary keeps going on virtually his married woman and how Rock took her. The bartender also looks worried and intervenes. Gary leaps up and screams that Stone played for the Cubs and when Stone says nobody cares, Gary shouts HE cares. He screams Stone raped his wife. The bartender says this is enough, and when Rock says he is going to go, Gary pulls out a gun and orders Stone to sit down and close upward. Stone complies and Gary tells everyone else to get out, saying he and the guy who raped is married woman are going to take a center to eye. As Gary goes on, Stone says he may be a dick merely he is not a rapist. Gary argues with Stone that his wife didn't hop into bed of her ain gratuitous will and Stone says he doesn't remember. Gary continue to argue with Rock and he cries and says his married woman is a goddess. Stone tells him to be smart and let the justice system work this out, but Gary says it is likewise late for justice, he wants revenge. He wants a world where his little daughter feels condom and without guys similar him. A bar phone rings and Stone says that is probably the cops. Stone ties to talk Gary downward and lets Stone respond the phone.

Benson has arrived on the scene and hears what is going on, Sarah has also arrived and Benson allows them to come through. Benson takes them to the civic commander and she introduces herself, maxim this is her case, and explains who Sarah is. Benson convinces the commander to let Sarah speak with Gary and puts her on the telephone.

Meanwhile, inside, Gary tells Stone to answer the phone and he does so and hands it to Gary. Sarah says she loves him and they volition become through this and begs him not to hurt anybody. She puts her daughter on the line also,  who speaks to her male parent and so easily the phone dorsum to Sarah. Gary tells her he has to get and orders Rock to hang up the telephone. Sarah tells Benson he hung upwards. Gary is upset Sarah brought Emma and Rock tries to use this to diffuse the situation. Gary leaves the bar with his hands upwards. The police have him away and Stone comes out with the gun, proverb zilch happened, and places it on the ground. Benson takes a deep breath.

Dorsum at SVU, a pensive Benson is at her desk when Fin enters, proverb he spoke with the 2-seven and heard the gun is registered to someone on Gary'southward construction crew and it was not loaded. Benson comments that Stone didn't know that, and he is not pressing charges. When Benson says he is a good guy, Fin adds he could be headed to prison for rape 1. Benson reminds him Stone asked him to investigate. Carisi enters and says the Section of Health is on line 1. Benson picks up the phone and says that was fast, asking what date Emma Kent was born.

Later, Benson is in Sarah's dwelling house looking at a wedding picture and Benson brings up Emma's birth date – 8 months after she was assaulted. Sarah explains they were trying then hard to take a infant and were in a bad place. They were all partying that night, and she, Wanda, and Reggie went back to Stone'southward hotel room. Wanda went home and she woke up in bed in the hotel room with Stone and her apparel were off. She wanted that night to disappear and six weeks later she had a positive pregnancy test. She sobs and says she did not have a DNA test, she loves Gary so much and he wanted a baby so bad she could not tell him about that nighttime. She is sure it was Rock, he was the only one in the room when she woke upwards and it had to be him.

Later, in a restaurant, Benson speaks with Reggie who is shocked at Stone peradventure going to prison house. Benson says Sarah tells a convincing story and when Reggie questions if that is enough, she says it is. It could be unlike if somebody – like Reggie – says she consented. He says she wants him to commit perjury, and Benson counters that she knows those guys cover for each other, the road trips and what the wives and girlfriends done know. She states all he has to say is he heard Sarah consent before he left the hotel room and that way Stone would have a fighting run a risk. She adds that unfortunately in this 24-hour interval and age, without his fib, he is going to lose. She tells him to recall of all the ball players who covered for him over his entire career. He seems to concur and she says that is a start. She says all they take to do is wait for the Dna test, saying she hopes that Stone is non the male parent of Sarah'southward girl. She comments the timing is spot on; her husband couldn't get her pregnant. She gives him a look and he finally gets it. He sits back and says, "Y'all know." She replies she knows what a guy who is willing to commit perjury in a rape example thinks nearly women. She asks that Stone passed out, didn't he? Reggie replies no, Sarah was all over HIM, and he did not rape her either. Benson leans in and tells him Sarah was and then drunk she didn't know what was going on, what practice you call that? She orders him to stand up up and turn effectually, and she cuffs him and says he is under arrest for rape in the kickoff degree.

Later on, Stone is overlooking the urban center skyline from the shoreline, and Benson approaches, saying Reggie is taking a bargain with the DA's office. The charges against Stone accept been dropped. He comments that doesn't allow him off the hook; he took Sarah to his hotel room and his friend assaulted her. Benson assure him he couldn't accept known. Benson explains that the DNA test says Gary is the father although Sarah has been terrified all these years. She thought Stone was the father. He steps away and Benson says she is sorry for everything he went through and is distressing it seemed like she doubted him. He tells her not to be, that is why he works with her. He adds when all the noise was coming at him, there was a moment he doubted himself. He walks away and sighs, leaving Benson standing by the shoreline as nosotros fade to black.

Mariska Hargitay - Lieutenant Olivia Benson
Ice-T - Sergeant Odafin "Fin" Tutuola
Kelli Giddish - Detective Amanda Rollins
Peter Scanavino - Detective Dominick "Sonny" Carisi, Jr.
Philip Winchester – ADA Peter Stone

Guest stars:
George Newbern - Dr. Al Pollack
Alexandra Breckenridge - Sarah Kent
Kevin Kane - Gary Kent
Tessa Albertson – Alicia Brook
Austin Peck - Reggie Gregg
Meredith Holsman –
Shawn Parsons - Roger Madden
Eddie Hargitay - Eddie Montero
Inga Schlingman – Leanne Rose
Mary Hodges – Judge Anita Wright
Lauren Noble – Carmen
Cedric D. Cannon – Civic Commander Ray Bryant
Nathaniel Floyd Peart – Bartender
Jacopo Rampini – Waiter
Carly Connors – Emma Kent

All Content (Recaps, Review, Commentary) Copyright © unless otherwise noted

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